Sunday, March 22, 2009


Great fun last night! I'm so happy I got to be a part of it and to witness everyone's visions become realities. Beautiful!!!

From the book Finding Beauty in a Broken World, by Terry Tempest Williams:

"Finding beauty in a broken world is creating beauty in the world we find.

Mosaics are made by hand.

Shards of glass can cut and wound or magnify a vision. Mosaic celebrates brokenness and the beauty of being brought together.

Our survival, the vitality of the planet depends on mental flexibility and emotional acuity. Hands raised. Hands put to work. We can improvise. We can create without a map. And we don't have to live in isolation. The gift of an attentive life is the ability to recognize patterns and find our way toward a unity built on empathy. Empathy becomes the path that leads us from the margins to the center of concern.

The pattern is the thing.

The beauty made belongs to everyone. We all bow."


  1. was was cool to meet your mom she seems like a swell is a little bitter sweet that we are done just when it started getting good....

    i posted a video of the show on my you tube channel.....check it out if you want...


  2. thanks otto, that's very sweet of you to say. I'm gonna miss this class too. It would make a great year long project, wouldn't it? Work with each media per quarter for a final culmination at the end? Hmmm....we shall see! ;)


  3. I really love what you did with the slide projector and the mirrors. I wasn't sure when you were going to write a new thing on the wall, so I cruised by every once in a while to read your thoughts. It was really cool. I agree with Otto that it's sad that the class had to end just when we were really getting going and I think the class as a group had a great vibe to it... Good luck in the future and I hope to see you around!

  4. hey, i agree! i have always envisioned intermedia as an A- and B course, let's talk to MIKE! :)

    meanwhile, i really love this quote from terry tempest that you included, as it relates so PERFECTLY to your final projectL Shards of glass can cut and wound or magnify a vision. "

    yours was true and definitely exploratory. and yes, this group seemed to really gel incredibly well, very independent group, with a strong willingness to explore and experiment. great work tina.
